Resources from Coordinator and Administrator Networking Session, March 8, 2017
- Preparing for Evaluation Visit, David Gregg, Nicholas Senn High School
- Vertically Aligned Assessment: MYP to DP, Amanda Baltikas, South Shore International College Prep High School
- Benchmarking
- Curriculum Mapping
- Blank Inventory of Language Arts Works
- IOP to GOP
- MYP Planning Tools
- Slice Protocol
- Evaluating Unit Planners: Coaching Teachers, Melissa Cuculich, Locke Elementary and Michele Stefl, Shurz High School
Resources from Coordinator and Administrator Networking Session, March 18, 2016
- Supporting IB Educators in the Development of Trans- and Inter-disciplinary Units, Amanda Baltikas, MYP Coordinator, South Shore International College Prep, March 18, 2016
- Managing the IB Core: A Focus on Personal Project, Theresa McCormick, MYP Coordinator, Lincoln Park High School and Grace Dragonetti, Personal Project Coordinator, Lincoln Park High School, March 18, 2016